
My latest writing on design, freelancing and making stuff happen.
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Why rock the boat?

The status quo is here for a reason. It's best left unquestioned, to follow the rules, to stay inside the lines, to do as you're told. The status quo is...

Snipers gonna snipe

If you make a statement of opinion, snipers gonna snipe. If you dare to stir things up a bit, snipers gonna snipe. If you do things differently, snipers gonna snipe....

Why the world needs more you

Whilst researching my last article, I discovered that someone's written a book about how to think like Steve Jobs. Which goes by the grand title of...What Would Steve Jobs Do?...

Start small.

Big is overrated. Big is a huge leap from nothing. Big is a mental road block that’s holding you back. And at the other end of the scale… Small is...

Don’t consume, create.

Often I find myself lying in bed first or last thing, in a repeating loop of checking various emails and apps. For some reason I think I'll find answers there,...